Welcome to the NYSP Network - a website designed to share information among those who have a history with the National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) and who share a commitment to continued service to our nation through the provision of quality programs to help our nation's youth achieve The Right Start!
Support for NYSP is growing!  Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio has introduced H.R. 4480 which would authorize $20 million for NYSP for 2011 through 2021.  Co-sponsorship is encouraged, and a Dear Colleague Letter is available for confirming your Representative's support!  Please see the links below.
NYSP Visits the Hill!
Fourteen NYSP leaders visited offices in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, April 27 to solicit support for H.R. 4480 and the revitalization and modernization of NYSP!
Our Goal is to obtain 100 Co-Sponsors for H.R. 4480! Ambitious? Yes! Can NYSP do it? YES!
Call your House Member NOW and ask them to support H.R. 4480!  It's time to Step It Up!



TinyYH.R. 4480 NYSP Dear Colleague Letter, Spring, 2010
NYSP gaining support in the Labor, HHS, Education Subcommittee Talking Points for H.R. 4480
Key Contacts Archive of NYSP Documents
 If you have requests related to this site, please send them to: gale.wiedow@dsu.edu
Last Updated July 3, 2010