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University: Dakota State University
Name of Sponsoring Professor: Dr. Yong Wang
Department: College of Business and Information Systems

 Teaching with OPNET Modeler and Wireless Suite

INFA751 Wireless Security, Since Fall 2012

This course covers a wide range of technical issues in wireless network security, including wireless communication fundamentals, wireless network configuration, wireless vulnerabilities, attacks and countermeasures, security standards, etc. We will look into security issues in WLAN networks, wireless ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, Bluetooth networks, and cellular networks. Technical perspectives on maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of wireless networks are discussed in details. Along the way, labs, tools, and applications will be introduced to test and analysis wireless security.

OPNET modeler will be used to assist students in wireless network simulation, network protocol development, and security enhancement.

OPNET Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of solutions for managing networks and applications. OPNET's best-in-class solutions address application troubleshooting, application monitoring, network monitoring, network configuration management, network planning , and network simulation. OPNET’s solutions have been operationally proven in thousands of customer environments worldwide, including corporate and government enterprises, government and defense agencies, network service providers, and network equipment manufacturers. For more information about OPNET and its products, visit www.opnet.com.