Metaphysics focuses on the nature of reality, basically unanswerable questions.

 What happens….?

Epistemology is the discovery and transmission of knowledge.

 Constructivism is a good base or starting place. (It is good at a young age to have “true” knowledge.)  When they are older you want to encourage critical and creative thinking. We are still giving them information, it is just things such as open ended questions, etc…

 Axiology focuses on the topics of morality, ethics, and aesthetics.

 Statement of beliefs:

We will try to make our discipline plan fair and just for all people.  When a common discipline plan proves to be unsuccessful, we will brainstorm ideas and approach alternative methods to educating children.  We will try to teach character in our profession.  We think that there should be a common standard of moral and ethical standards within a school system.

Logic is concerned with what is true and how we can know whether something is true.

We believe it is important to provide students with a variety of learning opportunities so that they may come to understand and conceptualize fact and fiction.